
“A dog is not just an animal, but a friend who knows when you’ve had a bad day.” - Andrew A. Rooney





“A dog is not just an animal, but a friend who knows when you’ve had a bad day.” - Andrew A. Rooney

Our kennel, Perfect Pearl, was established in 2017 in Lublin, where we always return, though it is currently located in Warsaw. We are registered with the Polish ZKwP (Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce), which is part of the FCI – the International Canine Federation.

I'm the creator of Perfect Pearl. I'm a qualified veterinary technician, canine assistant, and certified dog therapist. Dogs and working with them are my great passion, which is why I continuously improve my knowledge and qualifications through training in health, behavior, and various programs with skilled dog trainers. My goal was to create a kennel based on love, passion, and professionalism, showcasing how wonderful Beagles are and how much can be achieved with them in many fields, including sports.

My vision is a kennel where dogs are family members, well-socialized, healthy, and ready to face new challenges. I have always dreamed of combining my passion for animals with a professional approach, which led to the creation of Perfect Pearl.

The motivation behind establishing my Perfect Pearl kennel was my love and passion for the Beagle breed. Since childhood, I have loved animals and always dreamed of sharing my passion with others. I wanted to create a place where Beagles would not only be excellent show dogs but, above all, loyal companions to families, full of love and devotion. Our story began with our irreplaceable Shelby – Cevaytis LADY OF THE CAMELLIAS, whose warmth and dedication became the foundation of our work, and it was with her that our kennel truly began.

Shela will forever hold a special place in our hearts as well. She may not be a Beagle by breed, but she has been an inseparable part of our Pearl family from the very beginning, supporting us in raising our puppies as the irreplaceable “auntie.”

The main goals of our Perfect Pearl kennel are:

  • Breeding healthy, balanced, and beautiful Beagles that meet breed standards.
  • Creating dogs that will be perfect companions for their new families, full of love, devotion, and loyalty.
  • Participating in international dog shows and earning titles that confirm the quality and class of our Beagles.
  • Promoting dog sports and an active lifestyle for both dogs and their owners.
  • Working in dog therapy, helping those in need through contact with our gentle and friendly Beagles.

Our dogs actively participate in various special programs aimed at supporting people of all ages. A perfect example is Shelby, who is a certified dog therapist. Together with me, as a volunteer for the "Animals for People" foundation, she visits sick children and adults, bringing them joy and support. Shelby, along with our other dogs, has participated in numerous basic obedience training courses, including dog sports like rally-o, nosework, and mantrailing, making them well-rounded and highly trained dogs. Additionally, dogs from our kennel, in the hands of their new owners, train in various dog sports such as obedience, agility, rally-o, mantrailing, and nosework. These activities not only develop their skills but also strengthen their bond with their owners and increase their value as working and companion dogs.

Our Beagles are also well-socialized and prepared for various roles, which allows them to become not only excellent companion dogs but also fully-fledged members of specialized teams.

Our Pearls have achieved many victories at dog shows around the world and hold prestigious titles, including:
- International Beauty Champion (CIB),
- Pomerania Winner 2022,
- Polish Puppy Champion,
- Junior Champion of Poland,
- Champion of Poland,
- Grand Champion of Poland,
- Polish Veteran Champion,
- German Champion VDH,
- Champion of Lithuania,
- Champion of Hungary,
- Champion of Albania,
- Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Champion of Romania,
- Grand Champion of Romania.

The main values of our Perfect Pearl kennel are:

Love and passion: Beagles are our love, and breeding them is our passion that we want to share with others.

Dedication and responsibility: Every dog from our kennel is treated like a family member, surrounded by love and care.

Professionalism: Thanks to our qualifications and experience, we offer the highest level of care and attention to the health of our dogs.

Education and development: We continually expand our knowledge and skills to provide the best possible conditions for our dogs and to support families that own dogs from our kennel.

Social responsibility: We are engaged in activities for the community, including dog therapy, which benefits both people and dogs.

Caring for the health and well-being of our breeding dogs is our top priority. We regularly conduct veterinary check-ups and monitor the health of our dogs, ensuring they receive appropriate medical care. Our dogs are fed high-quality food and receive supplements that support their development and health. Additionally, our Beagles are provided with the right amount of physical and mental activity, which helps maintain their fitness and well-being.

Selecting dogs for breeding is a process that requires careful selection. We focus on dogs that exhibit the best traits of the Beagle breed in terms of health, temperament, and appearance. We conduct detailed pedigree analyses to ensure that the chosen dogs come from reputable lines with no history of health issues. Each dog selected for breeding must also meet our aesthetic standards and possess an excellent temperament.

Before a dog is approved for breeding, we carry out a series of health tests, including genetic tests for hereditary diseases common to Beagles, cardiological tests to ensure the dog has no heart issues, orthopedic tests including evaluations of the hip and elbow joints to rule out dysplasia, and regular general check-ups, including assessments of dental, eye, and digestive health.

The process of raising puppies in our kennel begins with the careful care of the pregnant female, for whom we provide a special diet and comfortable conditions. After birth, the puppies stay in a warm, quiet, and safe environment. The female has constant access to her puppies to ensure they get the best start in life. We regularly monitor the puppies' health and development, providing them with all necessary vaccinations, deworming, and, importantly, proper socialization.

Puppy socialization is crucial for their future lives in new homes. From the first weeks of life, the puppies are introduced to various sounds, smells, and surfaces. They spend time with both people and other dogs, which helps them acquire the necessary social skills.

They also have access to various toys, including sensory toys and puzzles, which stimulate their mental development. We regularly take the puppies on short trips outside the home so they can get used to different environments, situations, and car rides.

Our kennel is a home-based one, so the mothers and puppies are always close to us and have spacious, warm, and clean places that provide them with comfort and safety. We always take care of the hygiene of our puppies, and the places they stay are regularly disinfected to prevent any potential infections. The females have access to peaceful, quiet spots where they can relax and care for their puppies.

We offer comprehensive support to new owners of our puppies, which includes:
- Advice on the first days in the new home,Information on feeding, grooming, and the health of the puppy,
- Support with socialization and basic training,
- The possibility of veterinary consultations,
- Access to our educational resources and contacts with recommended specialists.

We maintain regular contact with the owners of our dogs to monitor their development and provide assistance when needed. We organize meetings where owners can exchange experiences and advice. We are also available by phone and email to answer any questions and provide support.

Dlaczego warto wybrać hodowlę ZKwP?

Oto kilka kluczowych różnic między hodowlami zarejestrowanymi w Związku Kynologicznym w Polsce (ZKwP) a hodowlami zrzeszonymi w innych stowarzyszeniach. Informacje te bazują na rzeczywistych zasadach działania tych organizacji.

Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce (ZKwP):
1. Podległość FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale):  ZKwP jest jedyną polską organizacją kynologiczną uznawaną przez międzynarodową federację FCI, co oznacza, że psy uzyskane w ZKwP mają rodowody uznawane na całym świecie w krajach członkowskich FCI.
2. Standardy Rasy:  W hodowlach zarejestrowanych w ZKwP obowiązują bardzo rygorystyczne standardy rasy określane przez FCI. Psy hodowane w ZKwP muszą spełniać konkretne wymagania dotyczące wyglądu, temperamentu i zdrowia, aby mogły być dopuszczone do hodowli.

3. Wymogi Hodowlane: Psy hodowlane muszą przejść określone badania zdrowotne oraz brać udział w minimum trzech wystawach w tym jednej międzynarodowej , gdzie zostaną ocenione przez sędziów kynologicznych. Dopuszczenie do hodowli w ZKwP wymaga uzyskania odpowiednich ocen na wystawach psow rasowych gdzie sędzia ocenia jego zgodność ze wzorcem oraz temperament lub musi przejść przegląd hodowlany  przez wykwalifikowanego sędziego kynologicznego. Dodatkowo pies musi posiadać badania genetyczne potwierdzające jego pochodzenie oraz odpowiednie badania zdrowotne w zależności od rasy i jej predyspozycji np. prześwietlenia na dysplazję bioder, łokci itp.
4. Kontrola Jakości: Hodowle zarejestrowane w ZKwP są regularnie kontrolowane pod kątem warunków, w jakich trzymane są psy. Organizacja ta dba o to, aby hodowle były prowadzone w sposób etyczny i zgodny z przepisami ochrony zwierząt.
5. Rodowody i Dokumentacja: Szczenięta urodzone w hodowlach ZKwP otrzymują metryki FCI, które można później przekształcić w rodowody uznawane międzynarodowo i potwierdzają czystość rasy. Rodowody te zawierają pełną historię przodków psa, co jest ważne dla przyszłych właścicieli psa oraz dla zachowania standardów rasy.

Inne Stowarzyszenia Kynologiczne:
1. Podległość Międzynarodowa:  Inne stowarzyszenia kynologiczne  nie są uznawane przez FCI, co oznacza, że ich rodowody nie będą akceptowane na arenie międzynarodowej. Takie rodowody nie są również akceptowane przez Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce
2. Standardy Rasy: Standardy rasy mogą się różnić w zależności od stowarzyszenia. Niektóre organizacje mogą mieć mniej rygorystyczne standardy dotyczące wyglądu i temperamentu psów, co może wpływać na jakość hodowli.
3. Wymogi Hodowlane: Wymogi dotyczące dopuszczenia psa do hodowli mogą być mniej restrykcyjne. Nie wszystkie organizacje wymagają, aby psy hodowlane brały udział w wystawach, przechodziły przegląd hodowlany  lub przechodziły określone badania zdrowotne czy miały potwierdzone pochodzenie testem DNA
4. Kontrola Jakości: Kontrola jakości w mniejszych stowarzyszeniach może być mniej rygorystyczna w porównaniu do ZKwP. Warunki hodowli mogą być sprawdzane rzadziej lub wcale, co może wpływać na dobrostan zwierząt.
5. Rodowody i Dokumentacja: Rodowody wydawane przez inne stowarzyszenia nie będą uznawane  międzynarodowo i mogą nie zawierać tak szczegółowej dokumentacji przodków psa. Wartości hodowlane, takie jak zdrowie i czystość rasy, mogą w niektórych przypadkach być mniej dokładnie monitorowane przez co psy mogą odbiegać wyglądem lub charakterem od standardów rasy.

Hodowla zarejestrowana w ZKwP podlegająca FCI stawia na wysokie standardy dotyczące zdrowia, wyglądu i temperamentu psów. Kontrola jakości, międzynarodowe uznanie rodowodów oraz rygorystyczne wymogi hodowlane czynią ZKwP preferowanym wyborem dla osób poszukujących psa rasowego o udokumentowanym pochodzeniu i certyfikowanej jakości. Inne stowarzyszenia mogą oferować hodowle o różnych standardach, które mogą być mniej rygorystyczne i nie są uznawane na arenie międzynarodowej. Zaleca się dokładne sprawdzenie reputacji danego stowarzyszenia oraz warunków hodowli, zanim zdecydujesz się na zakup psa.

We warmly invite you to visit our kennel!

To schedule a visit, please contact us in advance by phone, email, or via the form below. We would be happy to show you how we live with our dogs and tell you about our work and passion related to the Beagle breed.